
Authoritative Independent Monthly Share Selections Using Technical & Fundamental Analysis

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JTC - Exciting recent issue with strong chart

October 2018

Investing in shares may lose you all or some of your money. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Some of the shares recommended here may be small company shares, which can be relatively illiquid and hard to trade and this makes such shares more risky than other investments.

  • Epic Code:
  • JTC
  • Price:
  • 409p
The Ponzi fraud perpetrated by Bernie Madoff fleeced his investors of almost US$65bn and not only affected banks and local government pension funds but also drove numerous individuals into penury. But as the saying goes, when one door closes another one opens and the knee jerk tide of Government regulation has hugely benefited recent issue JTC, which provides a range of fund, corporate and fiduciary services to over 5,600 client groups and administers c. US$85bn assets across 17 jurisdictions.Established in Jersey in 1987, turnover has mushroomed from £10m in 2008 to £60m in 2017 while EBITDA margins have hovered above 30% for the most part. Forecasts are pretty punchy too, with Zeus Capital expecting sales to increase ...

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With small companies there is an above average degree of risk compared to buying blue chips. Please be aware that we have not assessed the suitability of any of these investments for you. The newsletter simply states a personal view and diarises the editor’s investment decisions. Please speak to your stockbroker or other qualified individual to ascertain whether any of these companies mentioned would form useful additions to your own portfolios. Past performance is no indication of future success.

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